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Our credentials


Carbon Disclosure Project

CDP provide scores on environmental transparency and action. FirstGroup have been a longstanding participant and have a ‘B’ ranking for our performance.



FirstGroup is named as part of the Clean200 - the top 200 cleanest publicly-listed firms worldwide who are at the forefront of the transition to clean energy and efficiency infrastructure. FirstGroup have been a constituent for four consecutive years.



The FTSE4Good index series, launched in 2001, and uses transparent metrics of environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance to select its constituents. FirstGroup are named in the 100th percentile in its sector in 2024, having been a constituent for 20 consecutive years.

Green Economy

Green Economy

London Stock Exchange’s Green Economy Mark was created to help investors and issuers address the narrow view of green equities and facilitate investment. It identifies listed companies and funds that generate over 50% of their total annual revenues from products and services across all industries that contribute to the global Green Economy.



ISS ESG Corporate Rating provides an assessment of a company's environmental, social, and governance activity. FirstGroup has a 'Prime' rating and ranked in the top decile globally. Prime Rating is awarded to industry leaders with ESG performance above a sector-specific threshold and is defined by ISS as "absolute best in class".



FirstGroup have achieved the highest possible AAA rating by ESG analysts MSCI with special mentions of improvements in greenhouse gas mitigation efforts including our SBTi targets and corporate governance practices that lead those of global peers.



Sustainalytics provide ESG risk ratings and evaluate companies based on performance. FirstGroup has a 'Low risk' rating and is ranked in 94th percentile in our sector.

Sustainability Yearbook Member
The S&P Global Corporate Sustainability

Sustainability Yearbook Member, Score of 61/100

The S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) is a key benchmark for corporate sustainability reporting. FirstGroup are a Member of the Sustainability Yearbook highlighting the top performers with a score of 61/100.

World Benchmarking alliance

World Benchmarking Alliance

WBA develops benchmarks that compare companies’ performance on the SDGs, backed by science and international norms. FirstGroup have been named 1st in the UK and 3rd in the world's 90 largest transport companies for their performance in 2024.

Science-Based Target for net zero emissions

Science-Based Target for net zero emissions

We are the first transport operator in the UK to commit to a 1.5°C science-based target to achieve net zero emissions. This means FirstGroup will set a target year no later than 2050 for achieving net zero, aligning to the UK and global commitment under the Paris Agreement to limit climate warming.

South Western Railway and West Coast Partnership also have their own net zero targets.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

FirstGroup became the first UK-based transport operator to sign up to support the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), agreeing a new green governance framework to drive progress against the TCFD’s recommendations. We have joined more than 1,600 leading organisations in demonstrating a commitment to build a more resilient financial system through climate-related disclosure.

UN Business Commitment

UN Business Commitment

Signatory to the UN Business Commitment for 1.5 pledge a campaign launched in the lead-up to the 2019 Climate Action Summit in an effort to raise the ambition on climate action and push companies to set science-based targets aligned with 1.5°C as opposed to 2°C or well-below 2°C.

UN Global Compact

UN Global Compact

FirstGroup have signed the United Nations Global Compact. Committing us to the UNGC’s 10 principles on human rights, labour, environment and anticorruption and report our Communication of Progress.

Green Travel Pledge

Green Travel Pledge

Signed the pledge committing us to engage and empower passengers, businesses, and business travellers to make more informed choices by providing detailed, accurate and reliable data on the carbon emissions of rail journeys.

New guidelines for using the Sustainable Development Goals logo


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations members in 2015, created 17 world Sustainable Development Goals. FirstGroup is committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Disability Confident Committed

Disability Confident Committed

FirstGroup is proud to be "Disability Confident Committed" which is a government scheme supporting employers in ensuring disabled people, and those with long term health conditions, can fulfil their potential and realise their aspirations. The Disability Confident scheme supports employers to make the most of the talents disabled people can bring to the workplace. The scheme aims to help employers to successfully recruit and retain disabled people and those with health conditions.

Clear Assured

Clear Assured

Clear Assured has awarded FirstGroup ‘Bronze’ accreditation status. Clear Assured Bronze Standard is awarded to businesses that have shown that diversity and inclusion are reflected across all policies and processes. It also marks a move beyond compliance towards a cultural shift where diversity and inclusion is well on the way to becoming embedded in the day to day experiences of colleagues.

Investors in People

Investors in People

Great Western Railway holds the highly sought after Investors in People Gold status. It is granted to organisations that demonstrate a clear commitment to the people who make up an organisation. This external standard reflects the very latest workplace trends and confirms what we believe - GWR is a great place to work.

Invest in Apprentices

Invest in Apprentices

SWR were awarded Investors in People’s ‘We Invest in Apprentices’ award for their apprenticeship scheme, becoming only the eighth company and the only rail industry business to earn this award.

Investors in Diversity

Investors in Diversity

Avanti West Coast has been granted the Investors Diversity Award by the National Centre for Diversity, which provides the national standard for equality.

Investors in People

Investors in People

Our First Bus Financial Services team have been rated as Platinum by Investors in People.

Living Wage Employers

Living Wage Employers

We pay a fair wage reflecting local market demands and conditions. Avanti, GWR, SWR, and First Tram Operations pay the Real Living Wage to employees in accordance with the Living Wage Foundation rates of pay, and similarly almost all First Bus employees are paid at or over the Real Living Wage. In addition, First Tram Operations is an accredited Living Wage Employer, paying third party contractors working directly for them Living Wage Foundation rates of pay.

Tomorrow's Engineers Code

Tomorrow’s Engineers Code

First Bus and First Rail have pledged their support for the Tomorrow’s Engineers Code launched by EngineeringUK, which acknowledges the need for diversity amongst future engineers to ensure an insightful workforce that enables the UK to thrive.

Women in Rail

Women in Rail

Avanti West Coast, GWR and SWR have signed Women in Rail and The Railway Industry Association’s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Charter. Signatories are committed to championing equality, diversity and inclusion in the rail industry, in order to produce a more balanced and fair high-performing sector.

Inclusive Employers Standard

Inclusive Employers Standard

South Western Railway has been awarded a silver accreditation in the Inclusive Employers Standard. Inclusive Employers is the leading membership organisation for prioritising inclusion in the workplace. The accreditation recognises the progress made since the launch of SWR’s first inclusion and diversity strategy in 2021.

Payroll Giving Silver

Payroll Giving Silver

FirstGroup have achieved a Payroll Giving Silver Award in recognition of the firm’s decision to foster a culture of philanthropy and committed giving in the workplace, by making Payroll Giving available to employees. The Silver Award is a symbol of excellence and is awarded to employers that have succeeded in generating sustainable income sources for UK charities through Payroll Giving.